Friday, April 3, 2009

Hi again from Budapest

Friday, April 3rd,

Tom Here.

Okay, our apartment email has been down for a week and I haven't had time a work to post. Thus, the late posts. Kristin is going nuts not having internet on in the apartment. It should be on in a few days.

It's been a pretty good week. We went to the zoo Tuesday. The kids (and us adults) had a great time. Our adoption coordinator met us there with two of her children. Very nice zoo, I had trouble pulling Kristin and the kids away from the Hippos. (I think after 30 minutes taking pictures of Hippos is enough). They were very friendly and quite interesting. The kids were able to feed them Alpha hay. We were able to get very close to them as with many of the animals there. You can't get that close in the US.

Each night we would make a trip to the local playground next to the Duna River just south of our apartment. Last night we walked Raday Ut. Each night it is lively, with many restaurants, shops, and people. We stopped for Dinner and had some amazing fries.

The kids are picking up some English words and are beginning to call use Mommy and Daddy instead of Kristin Neni and Tom Ba'csi. This morning at 3am Kira Alexandra had a bad dream and decided to get in bed with us. A couple hours later I put her back in her bed as she likes to turn sideways and push us off the bed. Drew Laci does that also.

I made contact with some of my relatives and our calendar is starting to look a little busy. This Saturday, Laci and Viki Ujvari will come to Budapest for the afternoon to meet me and my family. We have spoken on the phone but not in person. He is my Nagymama (grandmother) Ottilia Nemeth's (on my Dad's side) sister's Grandson. So we are 3rd cousins. His mother has invited my family for the day to Gyor for Easter Sunday. Gyor is about 2 hours north west of Budapest.

Next Sunday we are visiting Andrea and Estee Gyuracz. They are my 3rd cousins on my mom's side. They are my Nagymama (Grandmother) Presits' (mom's side) Sisters' Granddaughters. We've been invited to Andrea's apartment for Dinner.

On Sunday, April 19th we will visit another 3rd cousin and her family in Sopron. Her name is Martha and she teaches English in the schools there. She is my Nagymama Nemeth's (Dad's side) sisters' granddaughter. (My grandmother Ottilia had 9 or 10 siblings)

Also, while in Sopron plan to meet with other cousins on my Mom's side of the family. So our calendar is filling up a bit.

The kids - They are all getting along very well. Gage and Cole now know how to play chess and lot it. Alexa loves being the older sister and Kira Alexandra and Monika love even more Alexa as an older sister. Laci is really enjoying Gage and Cole.

That's all for now.
Szervusz (hi or bye)
Szia (see ya)
God Bless Tom


  1. Are we going to see you come back to the States? My goodness it looks like the whole population is related to you : ) How neat is that. Makes me wonder what it would be like for Scott to travel back to the Czech Republic because his father was a first generation American with 17 bros. and sisters. Did you find out if the pastor Nemeth that came to preach at the foster families church is a relative???
    The Sandalas are all smiling with you and please tell Alexa that we are not at all surprised that she is a GREAT big sister as she is a GREAT and SWEET friend.
    Give Kristin a hug and tell her we are thinking of you all often.

    Scott, Dawna and Family

  2. Hello! Good to hear things are going so well (though I have sympathy pains for Kristin with no internet access:-) It's just so cool that, in addition to getting 3 new and wonderful children in your nuclear family, you are able to meet and visit with extended family as well. Does it feel like one big family reunion??
    Can't wait to see you all when you get back! In the meantime, thank you for carving out the time to make the updates, especially when your lives are as full and busy as they are. You all are in the prayers and hearts of many of us. Love you!

  3. Hey, Little (or should I say Big) family. We are just outside Nashville, TN right now heading North. We love the updates, Tom, and what a blessing to have family in the faraway land of Hungary. Dad and I are so excited to be able to come over and be a part of your adventure. We love talking, when we can, to all of you. Our newest grandkids remind us of all the others...we talk and they breathe. When Kristin coaches them and they tell us something in English, what a thrill to our hearts...if they understand or not? Sent pictures to you that might help? It is our privilege to be grandparents to 13. The blessings of the Lord are with us all. Telling you to be careful is like telling a bird to fly. We are trusting in the Lord with you and your family. Gage, Alexa and Cole--we are so proud of YOU! You are really showing your character qualities that have been instilled in you. What a joy to know that YOU are standing strong. Love Mam and Papa

  4. Szervusz Dear Nemeth Family,
    What a keepsake you are creating with these posts!! I agree with Dawna- you must be related to everyone in the area!! It seems there is so much happening through your visit there- even apart from the very huge event- the adoption!! Encounters with family- with history- all impacting the future for so many.... Wow!!!
    Praying for you and excited to hear all that God is doing- and how He is helping all of you.
    With love and prayers,
    Catherine for the Whittier's
