Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hungary March 25th

Salbus (Hello), it is now Wednesday the 25th at about 9:00 p.m.. But in Hungary it would read 21:00. Cole is getting very good at telling the time and figuring out the weather in Celsius. What an experience for the older Nemeth children. We met some of Tom’s relatives here at the Hotel Angela from Debrecen and they were very kind. I could not believe how much Tom looks like his Grandfather’s (NagyPapa’s) nephew Jozeph Presits. Oh my, he does. Jozeph, his wife and daughter ate with us last night. Christine (Tom’s sister) would feel right at home here as well. Everyone here looks like them.

The youngest Nemeth’s came for a visit to the Hotel today. Tom and Laci Ba’csi went to the foster home and picked them up with Cole, while Gage, Alexa, and I stayed at the hotel. When they came up in the van they were waving and smiling so I was relieved. The three children spent the day with us. We played outside; walked to the store to get ice cream, and painted nails (not the boys oh course). Alexandra is very much the girlie girl. Monika is a tom boy and played with the three boys (Gage, Cole, Laci) well, I should say four boys including Tom. Alexa, Alexandra, and I played dress up in my clothes and Alexa’s hair stuff. Laci Bacsi (the interpreter) exchanged positions with his daughter, Andrea this afternoon. We had dinner with her and the children really enjoyed talking to her because she is the mother of four children in Budapest. She asked the children questions and really let them talk. They loved it. Tom liked it as well because he was able to sit back and let me do the talking. The chef here at the Hotel Angela is very nice and made Tom and I stuffed peppers for dinner. The chef over heard Tom talking about NagyMama’s (grandmother) cooking and wanted to make it special for Tom. It was excellent!!! I seem to be talking a lot about food but, oh my can the Hungarians cook. When the children went back tonight to their foster home they all kissed us and did not want to go. I could not believe it. They really seem to be bonding with us. They tell us they love us and they even started to call us Mommy and Daddy today on their own. They hear our three older kids call us that and so they tried it on for size. I could not believe it when they said it. Monika first and then Alexandra, I tried to not look completely stunned but, it was hard. They watch us like hawks. Every move we make is observed and repeated. They are already learning English even without trying and we the 5 Nemeth’s are learning Hungarian. God is so good to us. I will be forever changed through this experience. My heart will be much more grateful and understanding.

We will be going to the zoo tomorrow – Jozeph Presits, Tunde (Jozeph’s daughter), Andrea (the interpreter) Tom, Gage, Alexandra, Monika, Cole, Laci, Alexa, and me. Pray for us this is the farthest these children have been away from their village. It will be about one hour away. It is to prepare them for the journey back to Budapest. I really appreciate the Hungarian Government because they are trying everything to not traumatize the children. Tom and I had an opportunity to witness once again to Andrea at dinner. She sees something in us that she can not understand, but is really searching. She said that she will go to church with us in Budapest when we return.

Kelly (my sister) we will be praying for Isabel’s ear drum. You all are close to my heart and my mind. Let me know if there is anything that I can be praying for you. One thing I am learning is family and friends are a gift from God and we should pray for each other because I know God is listening and He cares for us. I am living a MIRACLE in Hungary!! The Aunts (Neni’s) let me know if I am miss spelling things. Chucalum! (Hugs and kisses)


  1. Hi Kristen,

    I just sat down and read through your journey, and now have goosebumps on my arms and tears in my eyes. God has blessed you, indeed!


  2. awesome. so glad to get to be a part of this incredible adventure for your family!

    miss you and praying for you!
    Laurie and family

  3. Tom, Kristin: This is the long awaited day. Now onto the next level of adjustment. Dad and I are proud of you and stand with you in prayer. Moneka Grace, Kira Alexandra and Drew Lazlo are in your care. Dad said that he talked with you today..what a busy, emotional day. The passing of the guard from one set of (foster) parents onto you the Mommy and Daddy...I've shed plenty of tears today also. The Hungarian Government seems to be very careful with the adoptions..that is good. Love You All So Much! Mom & Dad

  4. Hi Kristen,
    Thanks for allowing us to be a part of your life. I am so totally in awe and wonder of all the ways the Lord has been going before you and preparing your path. You and your family truly do exhibit the joy of the Lord. Yes, you are there to pick up your children, but just look at how the Lord is using you from Detroit (actually Greenwood) to Hungary. This adoption is touching everyone you come in contact with. Eternity will only reveal the true outcome of all those you have talked with and prayed for.

    It sounds like you are having the time of your life and you couldn't have planned a trip like this with even the best of trip coordinators...but God can and He did. And it's not even over yet!

    Keep the posts coming.

    Here's a post from David:
    Hey Gage and Cole...How's everything going? Maybe your new brother (and maybe sister's) are good video gamers...(Just joking) :) Well have a good time.

    Your friend,
